Friday, August 23, 2013

Quick and Simple Painting Tips

If you're moving into a new home, or simply want a change, painting your walls is a great way to make a home your own. Make sure you pick colors that match your furniture, or else replace some items to give your house a nice, cohesive look.

Choose your paint color: If you are painting as part of your Style Cure, now is the time to make the call on the color. This is an exciting moment! If you collected your chips this weekend, I'm guessing that you already have narrowed things down to your favorite. If not, take some time today and go through them again, look at them next to existing items in the room, tape or pin the swatches up in a few spots and see what speaks to you.

Don't be afraid to embrace what feels right. You can be confident that you are ready to choose. During the first seven days of the Cure, you've been doing quite a bit of really looking and thinking about design, while taking and collecting appealing images. You already know what you want and now, you just have to name it.

Think about a Decor "Pairing": While painting is probably the most powerful tool in a room refresh, your Cure will be more successful if you take on (at least) one other update to work on that will help to "complete" the room, just as a well-chosen wine does for food. This decor "pairing" can be large or small, a purchase or a diy project. Tomorrow, we can get into those details.

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