Thursday, February 9, 2017

5 Valentine’s Day Decor Ideas

When it comes to Valentine’s Day there are two sides - you hate it or love it. If you’re on the love side, or just want to celebrate the holiday, then you know decorating is essential to the holiday. If you’re really trying to impress your date, or even your family, then the traditional roses and chocolate needs to be taken up a step. To help you step up your game, we’ve put together a list of ways you’ll be sure to impress your special someone.

  1. XO Wreath - A traditional, decorated wreath is great, but why not get in the spirit? Even though you may think a heart wreath will grab your love’s attention, why not step it up to something more original? For this, you can use a traditional wreath, and then you’ll need to cut one in half, or simply gather sticks and make your own!  
  2. Simple Table - Not great at decorating? Then this is a perfect decorating tip for you! Keep it simple, almost too simple. Set up your table with two candles, tableware, and just one or two of your valentine’s favorite flowers.
  3. Tree Carving - Remember when you were a kid and the cool thing to do was carve initials into trees? Well, it’s still cool, and now you can even make a centerpiece out of it! All you’ll need is a sharp blade, a nice piece of wood, and oil if you want it to last beyond the holiday!
  4. Candy Heart Candle - For this you’ll need a candle in a glass container, and a clear glass with a diameter twice the size of the candle. First, insert your candle into the larger glass, then simply pour your candy hearts all around the candle. (Warning: Don’t eat the candy hearts while the candle is lit.)
  5. Chair Backers - Looking for a way to personalize just about everything for your valentine? Create a custom chair backer for their seat at the table using only felt, scissors, and glue. Click here for a free design!

Have any other Valentine’s Day decor ideas that you love? Let us know in the comments section! If you’re looking to update any of your decor, you can find us online or at a store nearest you!


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