Tuesday, April 18, 2017

6 Pet Friendly Decorating Tips

Living with a pet, or multiple pets, is awesome, until springtime comes around. For humans, we simply take off our extra layers of clothes, slap on some sunscreen when needed, and we’re good to go. For our fur-covered friends, the cooling down process is a little more messy. You know the drill: lint rollers in hand any time you decide to leave your home, avoiding black clothing at all costs. In order to help keep your house looking and feeling clean during this shedding season and throughout any other accidents and mishaps your pet might have, we’ve come up with a few tips to help you out:

  1. Area Rugs - Let’s face it, inevitably your fur baby will have an accident here and there, especially when they are young. To prevent your pet from ruining a whole room’s worth of carpet, spring for area rugs instead of wall-to-wall carpeting. You’ll be able to easily remove the carpet for cleaning, and if needed, all together.
  2. Spill-Proof Rugs - No, we’re not talking about a carpet that will repel any liquids that may fall on them. You probably know that your animal will get excited and run around sometimes, and if you have all wood or tile floors, it can become dangerous. At the entrance to rooms with harder floors, lay an area rug to prevent your little friend from sliding, and possibly injuring themselves and others.
  3. Color Matching - Looking for a new couch or chair for your living room? Try picking the color based on your shedding friend’s most prominent color. You know they’re going to shed, so why not let the hair be discreetly hidden until you get the time to clean each week? In no way is this a permanent solution, but it will help out when those unexpected guests drop by for a visit!  
  4. Bedding - According to studies, nearly half of America's dogs sleep in the same bed as their owners, and a little over 60% of cats do as well. And although you’d probably like a fancy bedspread, you’ll want to go with one that is machine washable. This way you can easily wash it when an accident occurs or shedding gets out of hand.
  5. Pet Entrance - Does your dog love to get covered in dirt and mud every time they step a paw outside? Designate one entrance way for when your furry friend comes in and out. They may not like it at first, but after getting into the routine it will help you keep the mess under control. Store extra towels and brushes in this entrance for a quick clean-up as well!
  6. Special Place - For those who choose to keep their pets off the furniture, create a special place for your pet. This doesn’t mean just throw down the latest blanket on its way to the trash, but make it special with a proper bed and toys. If you want them to use their own space, you have to make them want the space!

Looking to replace furniture that your family of pets has unfortunately gotten the better of? Visit us online now, or find the store location nearest you!


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